Tamil actor Vijay’s upcoming romantic-thriller finally has a title. It is called “Thalaiva” and its tag line reads – “Time to Lead”.
“Vijay’s new Tamil film has been titled ‘Thalaiva’. Director A.L Vijay, Vijay and the producer have unanimously zeroed in on the title,” said a statement from the production house.
The first leg of shooting was completed recently. The second schedule will start March onwards in Spain.
“The cast and crew will travel to Spain after 50 days non-stop shoot in Mumbai, where two songs and three fight sequences have already been filmed,” added the statement.
Amala Paul is paired opposite Vijay in the film, which went on floors in December 2012. It also stars Sathyaraj, Santhanam, Suresh, Mano Bala and Abhimanyu in important roles.
The title song “Thalaivaa Thalaivaa” was recently shot in Mumbai in the presence of 500 junior artists.
Chandra Prakash Jain has produced the film, which is likely to hit theatres in May. It has music by G.V Prakash Kumar, cinematography Nirav Shah and editing by Anthony.