Yesteryear’s glamour star Shakeela who had been a big name when ‘X Rated movies ruled the roost in Malayalam, is now returning to Mollywood playing some decent roles. She will be seen as a pious sister Mary Magdalene in the new movie titled as ‘Ee Abhaya Theeram’. The character in the movie will be one, known to do plenty of charitable activities including running an Orphanage rearing children who are patients of AIDS. The movie directed by debutante Alex Thankachan will also feature jagadheesh and Jose Prakash in Key roles.
Shakeela will also be seen in comedy roles in new movies including ‘Onnara Kallan’ which is under production. Interestingly, some posters have been put in and around Kottayam asking the supporters of the star to join her fans club . The posters also say that Shakeela himself will distribute the membership card to all those who joins Shakeela fans association.