Amitabh Bachchan is once again set to embark on a 60-minute journey with contestants to make one ‘aam admi’ a millionaire on the fourth edition of Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) on Sony Television from Oct 11. The megastar says the prize money of Rs.5 crore (Rs.50 million) can change someone’s entire life.
“My intimacy with Kaun Banega Crorepati started from the year 2000 and after 10 years I am again going to host this show and hope the way you accepted me with love 10 years ago this time also you will offer me the same adoration,” said Amitabh.
“I want to thank Sony Television for increasing the prize money from Rs.1 crore to Rs.5 crore. The jackpot of Rs.5 crore can change someone’s entire life.”
Amitabh hosted the first two seasons of KBC and the last one was hosted by Shah Rukh Khan.
Siddharth Basu, producer of the show, said: “That life-changing sum heightens the drama. I want to thank Sony for putting that Rs.5 crore over there.”
The format of the show has been changed this time — the number of questions has been reduced to 12 from 15 and fastest finger first contestants would get to stay for a week which would increase their chances to get to the hot seat.
On every show of KBC, an expert will be present in the studio to help the contestants as ‘Ask the Expert’ lifeline. There will be a ‘Double Dip’ lifeline, which would allow the contestant to give two answers. So, if the first answer is incorrect, the contestant can pick another from the options left.
To add pace to the show, contestants will have to answer first two questions within 30 seconds and the time limit for third-fourth is 45 seconds.
“The format itself has changed in a remarkable way. This time we have a faster, sharper and a more nerve wracking KBC coming back to you. This show has never been just about the money, it has always been about the drama,” said Basu.