The curly-haired actress Nithya Menen, who earned a reputation of being very choosy in Tollywood in a very short period of time (she is three films old in Tollywood), was approached to play the lead role opposite Ravi Teja in his next flick to be directed by Parasuram, but she turned down the offer because she did not like her role in the film, it is heard.
Notably, this is not the first time Nithya Menen turns down offers from top stars in Tollywood. Earlier, she had refused to act with Venkatesh as he was too old for her and it was followed by her “Who is Prabhas?” remark which later ended in a controversy.
Sources close to the film’s producer said that after Nithya Menen refused the role, they approached Trisha and she agreed to do the role. Trisha is expected to officially sign the dotted line soon.