Janapriya Nayakan Dileep who is shooting for his Spanish Masala with director Laljose in Spain, will be back to Kerala on the eight of September, that is on the ThiruOnam day. The star who had five big hits in recent times, couldn’t get any of his new films to theatres for this Onam. His much planned ‘Mr Marumakan’ could not be completed as his co star in the movie Khushboo suffered a leg injury and was advised rest for a month.
But Dileep is planning to kick start the shoot of his another film directed by Akku Akbar, this season itself. Titled as ‘Ithano Karyam’, the actor is said to be much impressed by the plot lines of this family comedy that he wants the movie to get released as his offering for Christmas or for early months of January.
As per the current reports, the shooting for ‘Ithaano Karyam’ will start by the mid of September and the movie may well follow the league of Jayaram blockbuster Veruthe Oru Bharya, which was the biggest hit from the director.