Remya Nambeesan entered Tamil film industry in style. She was one rare actress who impressed with her first film itself. Her character in ‘Raman Thediya Seethai’ as a modern playful girl and a pitiable woman in the second half struck the right chord with the Tamil audiences and the beauty from Malayalam arrived.
In fact she had become popular in all south Indian language films after her debut in Tamil. Not just that. Remya is also a singer now.
Remya’s fortunes in Kollywood seem very bright as she has some real good films coming up in the New Year. The stunning actress had a release last month in ‘Aattanayagan’ and she made a good pair opposite Shakthi. In Malayalam she is having a release today with ‘Traffic’ in which she has Sreenivasan, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Kunchacko Bobban for company.
In Tamil Remya Nambeesan has three films – Ilaignan, Muriyadi and Kullanari Koottam – ready for release. Of these ‘Ilaignan’ which is releasing for Pongal is a big one. In the high value film Remya Nambeesan pairs opposite Pa. Vijay.
After ‘Ilaignan’ Remya Nambeesan is expected to go great guns and she is also ready for it.