Tamil-Telugu actor Vishal’s recent Tamil film Theeratha Vilayattu Pillai, directed by Thiru with three heroines — Neetu Chandra, Tanushree Dutta and Sarah Jane Dias — is being dubbed in Telugu as Khilladi. According to producer Vikram Krishna of GK Films Corporation, Khilladi will hit screens across Andhra Pradesh in the first week of December.
A romantic comedy entertainer written by the director himself, Khilladi is about a lazy, upper middle-class guy Karthik, who always wants the best of everything in life and now wants to choose the best life partner. He decides to select and romance three girls of whom he would choose the best as his life partner! But things change when three girls fall in love with him simultaneously.
The film has music by Yuvanshankar Raja and cinematography by Arvind Krishna. Sneha and Prakashraj handle cameo roles. Also in the cast are Santhanam, Sathyan, Mayilsamy, Sudha Chandran, Oorvas, Sukumar, T.S.B.K. Mouli, Rathna, Jayaprakash and Mallika Kapoor.