Madhavan and Vikram Kumar, the ‘Yaavarum Nalam’ duo, is all set to strike again. This time for a film titled ‘Adhirshtasali’ which will be produced by Cloud Nine Movies of Dhayanidhi Alagiri.
Interestingly, this will be the second venture which would bring Madhavan and Dhayanidhi Alagiri together, for they would also work for ‘Vettai’, which would be directed by Lingusamy. “Adhirshtasali is a comedy caper with a twist. It will be a straight contrast to our earlier film Yaavarum Nalam. The remaining members of the cast and crew are yet to be finalised”, says Vikram Kumar.
He also says the shooting for the trilingual (Tamil, Telugu and Hindi) would start once Madhavan completes ‘Vettai’. Meanwhile, expressing happiness on joining hands with the director again, Maddy said, “It feels great to work with Vikram once again”.